A Drop is an event where the artist's TAKE™ are first released and sold. The amount of TAKEs in a Drop, which you can check it at the time of purchase, varies by Drop. Ongoing Drops will be marked as 'LIVE' and the Drops that have yet to go 'LIVE' will be marked as 'Upcoming', for which you can receive alarms when they start by setting notifications.
You can also receive Drop notifications for the artists you follow on our service.
Purchasing TAKEs in a Drop may be open to certain groups of fans, so please check your eligibility to participate in advance.
[Free Drop]
A Free Drop is a Drop that allows you to receive TAKEs for free. The number of TAKEs in a Free Drop may be limited and there may be a conditional requirement to become eligible, so please check in advance. (TAKEs received from Freedrops may have limitations and may not get traded in an exchange).