Family Approval is a function that allows families with minors to safely purchase TAKEs. The Family Approval tool requires minors to get approval from their parent/guardian in order to purchase packs.
For a minor to make purchases, a guardian is required to authenticate the minor as family, and the guardian must also have an account with MOMENTICA.
Step 1: Family Approval
- Settings > Search for the parental account to approve in Family Authentication > Request for authentication.
- When the requested parent/guardian approves, family authentication is complete.
Step 2: Payment Approval
- Minor submits request to purchase TAKEs -> [MOMENTICA] Sends request to the parent/guardian.
- Parent/guardian approves and makes payment through the parent/guardian's payment method -> [MOMENTICA] TAKEs are sent to minor's 'My Collection' page.
*Which minors can use MOMENTICA?
For Korean users: between 14 years to 19 years of age
For Others: between 13 years to 18 years of age.