This is MOMENTICA, the ever-glowing moments of your beloved.
We've prepared a special event for everyone who supported MOMENTICA x STAYC.
Enjoy STAYC's music awards stage and leave Etiquette Shots on MOMENTICA! You can be the lucky winner to receive a photo slogan with the members' autographs as a gift.
Feel free to participate by sharing your moments of watching the awards live, enjoying the event with other fans, or having a late-night snack after the awards.
Additionally, MOMENTICA is currently hosting a special event with a special gift for watching all of the music awards, so please check it out! (Direct Link)
[STAYC Music Awards Live Viewing Event]
Event Period
- December 25, 2023 at 2 PM - January 11, 2024 at 2 PM (KST)
Event Target
- Users who posted Etiquette Shot using STAYC TAKE
Event Gift
- STAYC 2ND FANMEETING [SWITH GELATO FACTORY] Signed Photo Slogan (Autographs of all members)
Winner Announcement
- January 19, 2024
* Event gifts will be sent out in February 2024.
- January 19, 2024
How to Participate
- 1. Tap the ‘With’ button on MOMENTICA App
- 2. Show off your enjoyment of music awards with STAYC TAKE by uploading Etiquette Shots.
* The more you upload Etiquette Shots for every award STAYC appears in, the higher your chances of winning!
Enjoy a joyful year-end and start the new year with STAYC. Have fun participating in exciting events!
We hope all of SWITH will join and participate in the event.
- Only posts uploaded to the show-off board using STAYC's TAKE will be eligible.
- MOMENTICA Etiquette Shot Board allows a maximum of 50 uploads within a 24-hour period.
- Inappropriate posts detected through accumulated report records and continuous monitoring may be deleted without prior notice.
- Only posts uploaded during the event period will be considered for participation. If you delete a post before the end of the event period, you may be excluded from the draw.
- Selected posts may be reused for promotional purposes within MOMENTICA and/or on other social media platforms.
- Photos taken without the consent of others or those containing inappropriate content may be excluded from the selection.
- The participant shall be held liable for any and all damages that are incurred by contents of the posting.
- Prizes will be canceled if the winner does not confirm or respond to claim the prize by January 26, 2024 at 11:59 AM (KST).
- MOMENTICA cannot be held liable for any withdrawal or cancellation of rewards due to omission or erroneous submission of personal information, changes in contact information (e-mail), deletion of posts or accounts.
- If a user wishes to forfeit the prize, all rights to the event results and resulting prize will be automatically forfeited.
- Consent to collect and use personal information is applied in accordance with the regulations of the Personal Information Protection Act.
- Collected personal information will be destroyed one month after the event prize has been shipped.
- Inappropriate methods of participation may result in penalties such as withdrawal or restriction of participation.
- Users cannot participate in this event from countries or regions that do not support MOMENTICA.
- MOMENTICA cannot be held liable for any incident or disadvantage that may occur due to negligence or lack of knowledge of the event guidelines.
- This event is subject to early termination or change in schedule.
- Please contact Customer Support (momentica_support@levvels.com) for any questions regarding the event.