This is MOMENTICA, the ever-glowing moments of your beloved.
In celebration of March, the epitome of beginnings, MOMENTICA has prepared a special event.
Certify your path toward your first steps with an Etiquette Shot, and we'll present you with a special gift!
Capture various moments, such as your excited first day back to school, your first commute in March, or your own new daily routines with MOMENTICA Etiquette Shots.
Additionally, if you share your Etiquette Shots on social media with the hashtag #첫걸음_WITH_MOMENTICA, you will be eligible for additional gifticon. We look forward to your active participation!
[First Step Etiquette Shot Certification Event]
Event Period
- March 4, 2024 at 10AM (KST) ~ March 6, 2024 at 11:59PM (KST)
Event Target
- Domestic users who captured and registered their Etiquette Shotos during the event period.
Event Prizes
For users who submit Etiquette Shots:
- Stanley Tumbler (3 winners/*random color)
- For users who share their Etiquette Shots on social media:
- Mega Coffee ₩10,000 voucher (1 winner)
- Lawson 500 yen vouchers (2 tickets) (1 winner)
For users who submit Etiquette Shots:
Winner Announcement
- March 13, 2024
How to Participate in the MOMENTICA Event:
- Tap the "With" button on the MOMENTICA App.
- Upload an Etiquette Shot using TAKE.
How to Participate in the SNS Event:
- Upload an Etiquette Shot on social media with the hashtag #Firsrstep_WITH_MOMENTICA.
*Reposting official MOMENTICA social media posts increases your chances of winning!
We hope all of you will join and participate in the event.
*Event Notes*
- The event will count Etiquette Shots uploaded from March 4, 2024 at 12AM (KST) to March 6, 2024 at 11:59PM (KST).
- Inappropriate posts detected through accumulated report records and continuous monitoring may be deleted without prior notice.
- To qualify for event participation, entries must be posted during the event period. Any post that is deleted before the event is over may be excluded from the selection process.
- Selected posts may be reused for promotional purposes within MOMENTICA and/or on other social media platforms.
- Photos taken without the consent of others or those containing inappropriate content may be excluded from the selection.
- The participant shall be held liable for any and all damages that are incurred by contents of the posting.
- Inappropriate methods of participation may result in penalties such as withdrawal or restriction of participation.
- Users cannot participate in this event from countries or regions that do not support MOMENTICA.
- MOMENTICA cannot be held liable for any incident or disadvantage that may occur due to negligence or lack of knowledge of the event guidelines.
- This event is subject to early termination or change in schedule.
- For any further event-related inquiries, please contact our Customer Support at momentica_support@levvels.com.